Google has officially put out a press conference to announce their new operating system called Chrome OS. It is different than other operating systems in the way that their Chrome browser was different for browsing the web. Fans of cloud computing may love this operating system.
The advantages of a simplified operating system may be of interest to many computer users.
Traditional Operating Systems
In traditional operating systems, people may have lots of software on computers, most of which may never be used, or rarely used. How much time is usually spent on the internet? For most people, that may be nearly one hundred percent of the time.
So why have those added software components that may be either running in the background or loaded when they aren't being used? This is a question that Google is asking about operating systems. Why not invent an operating system with a focus on the internet, not on the many software and programs not really used by the majority of computer users. What about an internet based operating system?
Google's Chrome OS
Google promises that the Chrome Operating System will be different as the operating system will focus completely on getting onto the internet as fast as possible, and having the operating system focus solely on internet capability. This lean and mean approach to software may be significantly be helpful to many types of users. The heavy use and dependency of a cloud computing operating system may be exciting to some.
If one imagines a computer, where the only function on it is to browse the web, then some standard uses for it can be determined. A user would check email, play video games and watch online videos all from a browser-based operating system. Chrome appears to make this available to computer users. Google has provided a video that explains the concept of their new operating system.
Google also promises that Chrome will be the operating system that will be open source, just like all the other software they put out. In this way, it is hoped that people will improve the operating system, making it more personal. Google has stated they had some coders who worked with Ubuntu working with them on Chrome OS.
Chrome's Ideal Audience
The internet based operating system promises to be more simple. Is simplicity important? It can be. Children and those who have a slower learning curve when it comes to how to use computers may be highly interested in an operating system without additional software headaches. It just plugs into the internet.
It may also be of interest to travelers, and businesses who rely on the internet to send data. Cloud data is becoming more important as it makes it easier to take data with you, so to speak.
Will Google's Chrome OS be secure? Is it going to keep up with the operating systems already put out by Windows, Apple and Linux? Those are some of the many questions that are being asked. With a release date of late 2010, there will be plenty of time to check out exactly how Chrome will fit onto the shelf next to other operating systems.